Logo-Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

WAJ Joins the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice!

World Animal Justice Makes a Giant Step: Advancing the Fight Against Animal Crimes in the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice   WAJ joins the Alliance on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: A Historic Milestone for Criminal Animal Justice World Animal Justice (WAJ) is proud to announce that we have joined the …

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Global Call for the Protection of Street Animals in Türkiye!

World Animal Justice (WAJ) is advocating against the law requiring the mass killing of street animals, passed in Türkiye on 2 August 2024. WAJ calls on animal rights activists and organizations around the world to act in order to overrule this law.  Analysis by Seher ÖZKAN, WAJ Expert in Turkey What the Law Brings Despite …


Breaking News in Australia: The Ban on Live Export of Sheep is Adopted!

Huge Congrats to WAJ Expert Roslyn Wells and Thank You Animals Australia! World Animal Justice (WAJ) is thrilled to announce a historic victory for animals: Australia has decided to ban live exports of sheep by 1 May 2028. This landmark legislation represents a significant step forward in ending the cruel live sheep trade from Australia, …

World Animal Justice (WAJ) Launch-Cambridge Animal Rights Law Conference-2023

WAJ Launch

WAJ Launch for Animals World Animal Justice (WAJ) was launched by the initiator Dr Sabine Brels at the Cambridge Animal Rights Law Conference on the 12 August 2023. Watch video World Animal Justice: A new Movement is Rising ! Article explaining why WAJ Founder Sabine BRELS decided to create World Animal Justice to contribute to …