Comparative Analysis of the Asia-Pacific Animal Law Overview

Analysis resulting from findings of the Asia-Pacific Animal Law Overview (APALO) project led by WAJ & IALA, on anti-cruelty laws in Asia, Australia & New-Zealand Introduction Asia is a continent where diverse cultures, religions and customs intertwine, which is reflected in the legislation of different countries. Animal protection and the fight against cruelty vary depending …

Seher photo-Turkish cats

Global Call for the Protection of Street Animals in Türkiye!

World Animal Justice (WAJ) is advocating against the law requiring the mass killing of street animals, passed in Türkiye on 2 August 2024. WAJ calls on animal rights activists and organizations around the world to act in order to overrule this law.  Analysis by Seher ÖZKAN, WAJ Expert in Turkey What the Law Brings Despite …


Breaking News in Australia: The Ban on Live Export of Sheep is Adopted!

Huge Congrats to WAJ Expert Roslyn Wells and Thank You Animals Australia! World Animal Justice (WAJ) is thrilled to announce a historic victory for animals: Australia has decided to ban live exports of sheep by 1 May 2028. This landmark legislation represents a significant step forward in ending the cruel live sheep trade from Australia, …

Kaustav & his dog in India

Animals and Rights in India: My experience with the truth

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent …

Endangered and Exploited: The Crime of Wildlife Trafficking Today

The recent report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), released in May 2024, underscores the ongoing and significant threat posed by wildlife trafficking despite extensive efforts over the past decades. This post delves into the persistence of wildlife trafficking, its implications, and the obstacles in the current regulatory system that allow this illicit trade to flourish.

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Save the Asian Elephants – NGOs Call to Promote Animal-Friendly Tourism

Duncan McNair, CEO of Save The Asian Elephants (STAE) www.stae.org, launched a landmark initiative which in 2023 became landmark new law in the UK as the « Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Act. This bans the UK advertising and sale of access to any practices outside the UK that abuse any vertebrate species in tourism or other commercial …

World Animal Justice (WAJ) Launch-Cambridge Animal Rights Law Conference-2023

WAJ Launch

WAJ Launch for Animals World Animal Justice (WAJ) was launched by the initiator Dr Sabine Brels at the Cambridge Animal Rights Law Conference on the 12 August 2023. Watch video World Animal Justice: A new Movement is Rising ! Article explaining why WAJ Founder Sabine BRELS decided to create World Animal Justice to contribute to …